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Shoe Carnival Giveback Program

Do you wear shoes?  Shop for your shoes at the Shoe Carnival, Hamilton Commons, and 10% will come back to our school through their Giveback Program!   

Box Tops for Education

Clip Box Tops from products you use every day and drop them in the box at school.  You can find Box Tops on hundreds of products throughout the grocery store.  Cheerios, Total, Lucky Charms, Pillsbury, Old El Paso, Green Giant, Ziploc, Hefty, Kleenex, and Scott products!  America's schools have earned over 719 million.  For more information, go to

Thank you!

United Way - Annual Workplace Campaign

The United Way Workplace Campaign allows you to designate your donation to a particular charity or organization.  If you participate in your United Way Workplace Campaign, you can choose to designate St. Vincent de Paul Regional School to receive your donation.  Just write our school name on your form, and we will receive your contribution!  Thank you!

Fischer Flowers - Good Neighbors

Do you order flowers online?  Place an online order through Fischer Flowers, select our school as your Good Neighbor and Fischer Flowers will donate $2.00 to our school.  You can  also purchase $50 gift cards through the Scrip program and $25 from the sale of the card will go to the school.  Simply go to  Thank you!

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