We are grateful for the 20+ members of our Grandparent's Association! The Grandparents’ Association supports the mission of the
St. Vincent de Paul Regional School by:
organizing events for the students
providing support for school activities
contributing time, treasure, and talents to St. Vincent de Paul Regional School
Grandparents' Association events and activities are coordinated with Principal, Miss Pirolli.
This is an excellent opportunity to be involved in the education of your grandchildren, interact with them, and with other students. We are an informal, and friendly, group that meets monthly during the school year to plan our activities and events. There are no dues, however, voluntary contributions are welcome. Meeting attendance is not mandatory, we do distribute minutes to all our members.
Activities include:
participating in the Fall Festival and International Day
providing refreshments to the students on St. Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and for other school activities
cooking and serving breakfast to the graduating students along with a parting gift
conducting bake sales to help finance our activities
Additional assistance as requested:
providing water or ice pops for the Walk for Catholic Education participants
donating wine/liquor/snacks raffle baskets for the Penny Auction and Golf Outing
If you are interested in joining our Grandparent's Association, please call 609-625-1564 or email Stan Pszczolkowski, Chair, at stanocnj@aol.com. We hope you can join us in this very fulfilling organization!