Update 7/16/20
Dear Catholic School Parents,
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Camden have been working hard to prepare to
welcome students safely back to their classrooms for the 2020-2021 school year. Our plan is for
each school to open so that all students have the opportunity to attend school in person safely
every day. We will also have a remote learning option for families who are not yet ready to send
their children to school for in-person learning.
During the month since school ended, school principals and the Office of Catholic
Schools have fielded many questions about plans for the upcoming school year. We have
prepared answers to the most pressing questions, which are posted on the website of the
Catholic Star Herald and accessible at:
The questions that are addressed include:
What safety measures will schools take to protect students, teachers,
administrators, and staff?
Will my child have to wear a mask?
Will the academic program be different this year?
Will there be sports programs this Fall?
The answers to all of the questions come from the more detailed health and safety
guidelines and academic framework shared with all schools by the Office of Catholic Schools.
These were developed in consultation with elementary and high school principals, the diocesan
Strategic Action Team, and public health officials, and using parent feedback and guidelines
established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the NJ Department of Education. Each
school is preparing a school-specific plan that applies the guidelines to its unique circumstances.
The Office of Catholic Schools will continue to monitor public health information and
recommendations to remain flexible to advise schools to adjust plans if necessary.
Thank you for choosing Catholic school and for your continuing support of your school’s
principal and teachers. Their energy, hard work, and love of their students are the fuel driving
preparations for next school year. I appreciate your partnership with them as we all work
together to prepare for the coming school year.
Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. William A. Watson
Superintendent of Schools
Diocese of Camden
631 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102 • (856) 583-6103 (phone) • (856)756-0225 (fax) •
Update 7/14/20
Dear Families,
I hope this newsletter finds everyone healthy. I just wanted to touch base and let you know as much as I know about the reopening of school.
I met with a committee last week to talk about concerns and ideas for the reopening. The diocese has a task force of principals that have been working on guidelines for us in the areas of academics and health and safety. I am waiting for the final draft of the guidelines to put together our plan.
Egg Harbor Township families please sign your bus check and send it into school. There is the March payment we need to pay.
Congratulations to Luis Toca. Lui placed second in our region of Catholic schools in the Black Catholic Ministry essay contest. The topic was, “How does Social Media Impact our Christian Values of Respect and Kindness?” Lui will receive a $75.00 gift card.
I am sending out the first round of tuition assistance letters. If you have applied and your application was verified, you will receive a letter from me this week. Your registration must be paid and tuition agreement must be submitted before I can give you any assistance.
I will keep you up to date on any information I have for September.
Have a good week!
Miss P
Update 5/4/2020
Bishop Sullivan is extending the closure of all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Camden for the remainder of the 2019/2020 academic school year. Remote learning will continue until the last day of school.
Update 4/7/2020
Please see letter from Bishop Sullivan to Priests and Parishes regarding Covid-19 and the Celebration of Holy Week & Triduum:
Update 3/26/2020
Bishop Sullivan is extending the closure of all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Camden until at least April 20, 2020 which incorporates the previously scheduled break for Easter.
Reminders/Updates from Miss Pirolli and the HSA
At-home learning will be "closed" tomorrow, Friday March 27, as a previously scheduled day off of school for teacher in-service.
The Drama Club performance of The Wizard of Oz has been postponed at this time. There is no future date schedule as of now.
The HSA Annual Golf Tournament has been rescheduled for September 13, 2020.
Private Facebook Group for SVDPRS Families
If you are not already a member, please join our private Facebook group, SVDPRS Family ( The group has been a very successful way to get information out quickly as well as answer questions in the comments. But an even better reason to join is for the "family" atmosphere. We have been coming together to keep everyone's spirits raised through this tough time. With sharing of fun online resources for the kids and hosting "virtual" Spirit Days like pajama day, pet appreciation day and today where we are honoring first responders and medical professionals with our Super Hero Day. We hope you will join us too, but please remember to complete the required questions to join.
*Note: All pertinent academic related information will be posted on this website as well as the Facebook Group, so it is not mandatory to join the group.
Update 3/21/2020
School offices will be closed, effective immediately.
Drop-off and pickup of at-home learning materials has been discontinued at this time. We are going to have to find other ways to make this work, but gathering at the school on Tuesdays will not fall in line with proper social distancing guidelines.
Please wait and hear from your children's teacher this week for further direction on at-home learning assignments.
Classes will continue at-home learning on Monday 3/23 and at this time, likely through April.
There will be no at-home work on Friday 3/27. This was already a scheduled day off for students and teachers will use this day to reflect on how things have been going with at-home learning.
Miss Pirolli will be working from home and will have access to her email if there are any questions.
Update 3/16/2020
To all our SVDPRS Families:
We would first like to thank everyone for their patience as we all navigate through these uncharted waters together. Tomorrow, March 16, will be a regular day off for students. Although it will be similar to a "snow day" please remember that it has been recommended by the Department of Health that we practice "social distancing" which means we should try and limit play dates and other group activities while we are home tomorrow.
*Please note that the below may change as time goes on and lesson plans are finalized, however this is what we anticipate at this time.
At-home Learning
Teachers will be meeting on Monday 3/16 to finalize their lessons for at-home learning
Lessons will be available every morning by 8:00am
First lesson will be available on Tuesday 3/17 by 8:00am
Teachers will be in communication on Monday 3/16 via email to all parents informing them how their child’s at-home learning will commence
Parents will be able to come to the school on Monday 3/16 from 8:00am to 3:00pm to pickup all textbooks
There may be lesson packets put together as part of the at-home learning plans, which will be available for pickup by Tuesday morning 3/17
Students will be responsible for all their work each week and there will be weekly deadlines to turn their work in.
Teachers will be available each day from 8:00am to 2:00pm to answer questions
Emails after 2:00pm may be answered that day, but definitely within 24 hours
Miss Pirolli will be available via email as well, but all at-home learning questions should be directed to the teacher
Updates will be posted here and on Facebook as they become available
Office Hours
Monday 3/16 (textbooks only)
8:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday 3/17 (textbooks and at-home learning packets)
7:15am - 5:00pm
Letter from Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan (PDF)
If you do not have internet access at home, please contact the school and speak to me as soon as possible.
Please continue to follow this page as well as our Facebook page and Facebook group for updates as they become available.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Pirolli