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Celebrating our Students!

At St. Vincent de Paul Regional School, we enjoy celebrations! Last week, we celebrated Columbus

Day with a day off – enjoyed by students, faculty, and staff alike! We also celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Earth Day, Veterans’ Day, Advent, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Feast of St. Nicholas, and the list goes on . . . In addition to all of those celebrations, we enjoy celebrating our students here at St. Vincent’s. Each month, one student is chosen from each grade by their teacher as “Student of the Month.” To be selected as in her 3rd grade class, Mrs. Alice Dudo said, “she looks for the student who has made a real effort that month.” She looks for effort with their classwork and homework, with their conduct, and with kindness. “I choose the student who has achieved their personal best that month.” “Student of the Month” awards for September went to the following students: Lindsey Roberts (PK3), Brielle Kinghorn (PK4), Gabriel Erman (K), Aisosa Okao (1st), Samantha Contino (2nd), Matteo Esposito (3rd), Jared Ramos (4th), Melanie Pihs (5th), Ethan Miral (6th), Alexandria Ciurlino (7th), and Madison Lisitsin (8th).

In addition to “Student of the Month,” we also celebrate neatness at St. Vincent’s with an award for “Paper of the Month.” Miss Linda Pirolli, our Principal, chooses a paper from a student, submitted by their teacher, which depicts care in their work. In September, an award was given in every grade Kindergarten through 8th grade. However, there have been months when no one from a class is selected because Miss Pirolli’s standards have not been met! September’s “Paper of the Month” awards went to the following students: Amar’e Stewart (K), Kali Sheerin (1st), Nooreen Alam (2nd), Gianna Murray (3rd), Abby D’Arcangelo (4th), Ellie McDonough (5th), Riley Fortna (6th), Mason Medolla (7th), and Julia Hammer (8th).

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